A bequest enables QYO to provide important and formative experiences for future generations of young musicians.
It is easy to include QYO as a beneficiary in your will.
Some examples of how bequests have assisted QYO in recent years include:
Funded QYO’s National Youth Concerto Competition every year since 2004
Enabled QYO to purchase a new Marimba (percussion instrument)
Enabled QYO to purchase much needed office equipment
Funded scholarships for QYO members
Bequests can be made in a number of ways:
A percentage or residual of an estate.
A nominated dollar amount.
Shares or bonds.
Property or real estate.
Items of value such as paintings or jewellery.
A life insurance policy.
The following wording may be used as a guide and may assist your legal adviser in the preparation of your Will:
"I give free of all duties and taxes to the Queensland Youth Orchestra Council (specify dollar amount or percentage of estate or describe property)"
Please contact the QYO General Manager on 07 3257 3029 or at geoff@qyo.org.au if you would like further information about bequests.