Audition Policies
QYO Audition Processes & Policies
QYO holds auditions in October each year to determine positions in QYO ensembles for the following year. All positions are declared vacant until the audition process is complete.
The auditions are conducted by audition panels of 2-3 adjudicators per panel for each instrument.
The panels:
determine if an applicant meets the required standard for participation in an ensemble
rank the audition performance compared to other applicants for each ensemble
complete orchestra lists based on this ranking and preferences listed
Audition Stages
The audition process comprises five stages and is managed by the QYO office. There are over 750 applications and auditions, from which approximately 550 member offers and 100 reserve offers are sent to applicants.
Application: Each applicant submits an audition application form with payment of an audition fee. All current QYO members who wish to continue with QYO are required to re-audition annually alongside new applicants. Applicants must read and complete the application form carefully and read the audition brochure. QYO accepts late applications with the appropriate late fee.
Processing: The office processes the applications and allocates audition dates, times and venues for each applicant based on the availability of venue rooms and panel members. The dates and venues for each instrument are advertised in advance in the audition brochure and online application form so that applicants can keep those times free.
Notification: By the advertised date, the office emails each applicant, detailing their audition date, time, venue and ensemble of first choice and notifying that excerpts are available on www.qyo.org.au
Applicants print and prepare their excerpts, and in addition, prepare a 1-2 minute own-choice piece. The letters of notification are posted or emailed at least two weeks prior to the auditions to allow sufficient time for preparation.
Auditions: The auditions take place in October as advertised in the audition brochure and online form.
Results: The audition results are emailed to applicants by mid-late November. This date is finalised and advertised on the website. The audition brochure and the ‘email of day, time & venue for audition’ states mid-November which is subject to change. The decisions of the audition panel are considered final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Pre-recorded Auditions
Applicants who know in advance that they are unable to attend an audition on the allocated day and time are required to prepare and submit a video recording, by the advertised due date or as negotiated. The office will provide video files for the panel to hear on the audition day. Videos not received on time, or in the wrong format, may not be heard and the audition cancelled.
Late Auditions
QYO may consider arranging late auditions for applicants who cannot attend, due to important, extenuating circumstances, such as illness or injury. These requests must be made by email or in writing to the QYO office and where necessary, accompanied by a medical certificate. Late auditions are usually held within 5 days after the audition weekend.
Results finalisation and notification will not be delayed for late auditions and there is no guarantee that a late audition will be possible.
Audition Assessment
For each audition, the audition panel assesses the following:
musical style, accuracy of performance and following the directions of the music
general intonation, rhythm, dynamics and tone production
staccato & sautille bowings for strings
legato & tonguing for wind and brass
performance of own choice piece 1-2 mins duration (may not be heard)
unseen sightreading excerpt (handed out at the audition)
conductors' comments on orchestral skills and attendance (for ongoing members)
Audition Results
Following the auditions, the panels record the results and give them to the QYO office. The office checks the audition forms against the results lists to ensure that the results are correct with respect to player preferences, specific instruments and age limits. The office forwards results to the conductors and these results often assist with the selection of repertoire and identification of any vacancies. Conductors are not permitted to change the results and may discuss with audition panel. The office processes the results and emails applicants by the advertised date.
There are three types of audition result:
Position Offer: is a Performing Member who needs to complete an online membership form, which includes medical details, general information and camp information if applicable
Reserve Offer: is a Reserve on the waiting list, indicating that the applicant may eventually receive a Position Offer if one or more applicants decline their offers or leave the ensemble after accepting offers, or if augmenting players are required throughout the year
Notification of an unsuccessful audition where the applicant is not being offered a position
The letter of offer for WS & WE, Big Band, QYS & QYO2 strings, QYO3, JSE1 & JSE2 shows a non-numbered place in the section, eg. “trumpet section” and the actual seating is determined by the conductor and tutors in the first few rehearsals and may change throughout the year. The letter of offer for QYS & QYO2 wind, brass & percussion shows the players' numbered ranked positions. If other players in the section decline their positions, sometimes players may, but not always, move up within the section.
Section Leaders
The first-ranked player in each ensemble section is the Section Leader, chosen by the audition panel or conductor in the first few rehearsals. They have special responsibilities and may need to complete a QYO Section Leader Responsibilities statement, if applicable.
Reserve Offers
All applicants must respond by the due date and when offers are declined, the office promptly contacts those who are on the waiting list as “Reserve Offers”, in order of ranking, to offer them positions. When the reserves list is depleted, the positions become officially vacant.
Vacant Positions
In consultation with the Artistic Panel, a list of vacancies will be determined after the audition results are finalised and after the acceptance/declines have been processed. Vacancies will be advertised. Vacant positions are allocated at the ‘back of the section’, unless otherwise specified by the Artistic Panel to fill a specific position. Applicants who already auditioned for QYO in the current year (whether they were offered a place or not), may not be permitted to re-audition for vacancies and this is at the discretion of the Artistic Director. Those interested in vacancies will complete an Audition Form and prepare the relevant audition pieces. The office may request a video audition or arrange a suitable time for a live audition. The audition panel may be a QYO conductor, tutor or audition panellist. In some circumstances the applicant may be invited to play in rehearsals until an audition is complete. Members joining in the new year will complete a membership form and pay membership fees pro rata.
Joining Two Orchestras
An applicant who auditions and is offered 2 positions in 2 orchestras may only accept both offers if approval is gained from both conductors following discussion of schedules and annual commitment. Two sets of fees will be payable by the due date.
Results & Appeal
The Artistic Director appoints a professional and experienced artistic panel for all auditions. Each year in October auditions are held to determine positions in all QYO ensembles for the following year. All positions are declared vacant until the audition process is complete. The results and ranking decisions of the panel are considered final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into. It is not possible to receive verbal feedback or written reports specific to any applicant’s audition. The panel, staff, volunteers and QYO Executive Committee members are not permitted to discuss results with students, teachers or parents.
There is no guarantee that a current member of QYO will be offered a position in the same orchestra or a different orchestra in the following year. Players progress at different rates and new applicants apply each year, resulting in a very competitive audition process. Players who regain a position in the same orchestra as the previous year may be placed anywhere in the section or on the reserve list, depending on their performance in the competitive audition process.
Audition Panel Members
Each audition panel comprises two professional musicians and these typically include music teachers and members of the Queensland Symphony Orchestra. Many panel members are former QYO members. The panel members read and sign confidentiality statements, ensuring that they will not enter into discussions relating to audition results, and that no bias or favour will be given to any applicants.
If an audition panel member is the parent of an applicant, a third panellist will be asked to hear that audition. If an audition panel member is a current or former teacher of an applicant, they are obliged to advise the other panel member and that panel member and ensemble conductor will have the final decision on that applicant's position. The decisions of the audition panel are considered final and no correspondence will be entered into.
QYO greatly appreciates the efforts of over 60 parent and student volunteers each year who assist with the auditions by setting up rooms, marking attendance rolls and marshalling applicants to warm-up/audition rooms. Parents and students read the audition attendance list and are often able to over-hear auditions. Volunteers are expected to be helpful and supportive to the students and they should not discuss the auditions heard, the attendance list or players' preferences. The Director of Music appoints the audition panel and their decisions on results are final.
The information gained from the auditions process is confidential. QYO audition panel members, conductors, office staff and volunteers cannot discuss audition results with players, parents or teachers.