About Us
To nurture and inspire a diverse community of young musicians through the joy of making music together in world class youth orchestras and ensembles.
To instil the love of orchestral music in young people and promote excellence in orchestral training and performance.
Artistic Excellence
Creativity and Innovation
Teamwork and Leadership
Integrity and Inclusiveness
Queensland Youth Orchestras (QYO) is the State’s major orchestral training and performance organisation for young musicians aged 7 to 25. Founded by John Curro AM MBE (1932-2019) in 1966, QYO is now under the artistic leadership of Simon Hewett.
QYO is renowned as a world-class youth orchestra organisation and a member of Youth Orchestras Australia (YOA), a network comprising the major state youth orchestras of Australia and the Australian Youth Orchestra.
QYO currently has seven ensembles: three symphony orchestras, two concert bands, junior string ensemble and big band. Each group has its own program of activities including rehearsals, tutorials, concerts, camps and tours.
Each October, around 700 musicians audition for QYO before a panel of professional musicians and over 470 musicians are offered positions in orchestras. Performing members of QYO must re-audition for a place each year alongside new applicants.
QYO employs five full-time staff including a General Manager, Administrator, Marketing and Events Manager, Administration Officer and Community Development Officer. Part-time staff include seven conductors, a Venue Manager and Venue Bookings Manager. QYO employs over 70 professional musicians casually as tutors, audition panel members, accompanists, competition judges and guest artists. The organisation relies heavily on the services of volunteers as orchestra managers, librarians, stage managers and for assistance with concerts, fundraising, canteen, auditions, camps, office and maintenance tasks.
QYO is based at The Old Museum in Bowen Hills. The venue allows several orchestras to rehearse simultaneously and houses a concert hall, rehearsal spaces, and the QYO Office..
QYO is a non-profit organisation requiring substantial funds to fulfil its mission. In order of magnitude, the organisation’s main sources of income are from membership fees, grants from local and State Governments through Brisbane City Council and Arts Queensland, corporate sponsorship and donations, concert income and fundraising activities.