Audition Excerpts for 2025
Applicants must prepare excerpts for the orchestra listed as their first preference. For example, if applicants list QYO2 as first preference and QYO3 as second preference, they will prepare excerpts for QYO2 only.
Each audition is 3 to 4 minutes duration and applicants must prepare:
excerpts for the orchestra of their first preference
piece of own choice, 1 to 2 minutes duration
If possible, applicants could listen to recordings of the excerpts and ask their teachers for assistance in preparation. Applicants should make sure the tempo is correct and learn about the musical and technical concepts of the excerpts and aim to demonstrate these in their audition performances.
Audition Panel and Assessment
For each instrument, the audition panel consists of two professional musicians who are music teachers, lecturers or members of the Queensland Symphony Orchestra. Many panellists are QYO alumni.
The panel ranks each audition by assessing the following:
intonation, rhythm, dynamics and tone production
musical style and attention to directions of the music
staccato & sautillé bowings for strings
legato & tonguing for wind and brass
conductor’s comments on orchestral skills and attendance record (for ongoing members only)
Additional Information
For more details please read the following documents:
Audition policies
Map of audition venues
Auditions FAQ