Rite of Spring
Queensland Youth Symphony
2018 Concert Series
Saturday 18 August 2018
QPAC Concert Hall
ALEXANDER VOLTZ Moray Street World Premiere
BRAHMS Double Concerto Soloists Kristian Winther and Daniel Curro
STRAVINSKY Rite of Spring
Causing an uproar at its premiere in 1913, the Rite of Spring is an iconic and audacious work that changed the course of music. The concert opens with a new work by talented Brisbane composer and QYS violist Alexander Voltz before two leading Australian musicians, Kristian Winther and Daniel Curro, join the Queensland Youth Symphony to perform Brahms’ swansong for orchestra, the Double Concerto.
Tickets (single concert)
$41 Adult | $34 Concession | $16 Full-Time Student
Full Series (all 5 concerts)
$140 Adult | $115 Concession | $60 Full-Time Student
Masterpiece Series (concerts 1 to 3)
$93 Adult | $77 Concession | $36 Full-Time Student
Ticket sales are processed through QTIX who apply a transaction fee of $7.20 per transaction.