Rachel Howley

Queensland Youth Orchestra 3

Rachel Howley is a conductor, music educator and researcher. She completed a Doctor of Musical Arts (Orchestral Conducting) at the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University. Rachel is the conductor of The University of Queensland Wind Symphony and the Young Conservatorium Wind Ensemble. Additionally, she regularly conducts in the Queensland State Honours Ensembles Program, is a member of the Queensland Wind Orchestra conducting team, and is regularly engaged as a clinician throughout Australia. In 2023, Rachel became a Reynolds Conducting Institute Fellow at The Midwest Clinic International Band and Orchestra Conference and in 2022 was named as one of Australia’s Most Influential Educators.

In 2015, Rachel was the founding Director of Grace Academy at Grace Lutheran College, a leading Queensland program in Performing Arts. Rachel’s research explores the role of the conductor in championing the works of Australian female composers. She actively advocates for diversity and fair representation through repertoire selection.  


Simon Hewett